A large bull was walking along the bank of a stream. The frog was very jealous of his size and strength. Then, he began to swell, making enormous effort to try to become as big as the bull.

He asked his companions in the stream if he was the size of the bull. They replied no. The frog swelled and swelled again, but still did not reach the size of the bull.

For the third time, the frog tried to swell. But he did it with so much force that he ended up exploding, because of so much envy.

The story of the frog and the bull teaches us not to be envious and not to want to be different from what we are.

Ambitious, the frog wanted, in any way, to resemble the bull – but its nature was to be a frog, and not another radically larger animal.

By trying very hard to appear to be something he wasn’t, the frog ended up losing his own life.