Momotaro, the boy who was born from a peach, is an ancient and important figure in Japanese folklore. Born in a magical way, from his parents’ wish, the boy became a brave warrior.
With gestures of sharing and unity, he made friends along the way. When he arrived at Ogre Island, he realized that he could only defeat them with the help of the companions he gathered and, thanks to them, he managed to repay the family’s care.
Once upon a time there was an old couple who were very lonely because they had no children. One day, he went to the mountains to cut firewood, while his wife went to wash clothes in the river. As soon as she started the task, the woman noticed that a large peach was floating in the water. It was, without a doubt, the biggest fruit she had ever seen! So she hurried to take the peach out of the river and take it home.